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  • The HENSLER BONE PRESS device and associated methods are subject to U.S. and foreign patent pending status.
  • The HENSLER BONE PRESS device is patented in the United States under U.S. Patent No. 8,920,393.
  • The HENSLER BONE PRESS device is sold for use under U.S. Patent No. 8,845,605.
  • A container of the HENSLER BONE PRESS is patented in the United States under U.S. Patent No. D690,813.
  • A handgrip of the HENSLER BONE PRESS is patented in the United States under U.S. Patent No. D690,814.
  • The HENSLER BONE PRESS mark, the “H” design mark, and HENSLER SURGICAL marks are trademarks of or used under license by HENSLER SURGICAL PRODUCTS, LLC.
  • The HENSLER BONE COLLECTOR device is patented in the UNITED STATES under U.S. Patent No. 9,833,246 and 9,833,297.